Christians and Muslims have a different understanding of who Jesus is, and often do not make any progress in talking about this matter. This booklet helps Christians and Muslims address the necessary concepts and assumptions so that we can make progress. I have made some major updates to this booklet. Please read it and think about who you can send a copy to. It can be easily printed as an A5 booklet by taking the file to a printing business.

Download – Is Jesus God?


This book is written by the author of the Engaging with Islam course, Samuel Green. The book will help you know where to start with Islam in the keys areas of understanding what Islam teaches about Christianity, how to share the gospel with a Muslim, the incarnation, Trinity, salvation, and the cross. It assesses Muhammad as a prophet, answers the Muslim claims against the Bible, and gives you the relevant the history you need to get started. A strength of the book is that it does not require you to remember lots of details about Islam but instead shows how the Bible speaks to Islam. The book compliments the training course. It can be purchased from:
Australia & the Asia Pacific
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and Amazon or your local Christian bookshop.