Download the Amharic translation here.
There has been a major update to this booklet. Print out some copies and use them in your training and evangelism. The Preservation of the Qur’an and synoptic Qur’ans (
Here is an excellent lecture on the Trinity by Bruce Smith from 1989. Bruce was a lecturer at Moore Theological College.
Audio Player
Here is a new article on a subject that often comes up for Christians when talking to their Muslim friends.
Understanding and answering Islamic criticisms of the BibleHere is a recent series I preached from Mark 1. In two of the sermons I give an illustration from Muhammad’s life which helps us understand the uniqueness of Jesus all the more.
Grace and peace
The 3rd edition of the Engaging with Islam training course is now available. This has all of my latest material.
It is important for Christians to be clear on the gospel for both their evangelism and apologetics. Here is my recent series of talks on this subject.
Grace and peace
I have noticed many Islamic groups using the “learn the basics” pamphlets from Therefore I have written a leaflet that you can print and give in reply.
Some of my booklets are now available in Spanish.
Que es la biblia? (What is the Bible?)
Fue Jesus Crucificado? (Was Jesus crucified?)