Engaging with Islam training course
3rd edition (2023)

Here are the notes and videos for the first part of the new training course.

Course notes

Course notes for all sessions



Course videos

Understanding Islam and starting a conversation



Introducing the gospel



The Qur’an and evangelism



The Bible and Qur’an



Salvation in Islam



The crucifixion in the Qur’an



Trinity and Tawheed



The Incarnation



Our attitude and how to answer questions



The temple and Islamic theology



If you want more training then do the 2nd edition of the course below. The 2nd edition covers different areas.

Engaging with Islam training course
2nd edition (2013)

The first part of the training is to watch the video Christianity & Islam – Where to Start. This video is an introduction to Islam for all Christians, and it explains the method and approach of Engaging with Islam. You must watch this video. If after watching this you want more training then do the Engaging with Islam training course below. The course is designed to give Christians a practical introduction to the history and teaching of Islam and a foundation for evangelism and answering common questions. The course can be done individually, in a small group or as part of leadership training. Anyone can lead this course as leaders notes and answers are provided. The course is a mix of preparation material, group discussion and a video presentation. All of the course material is located on this page. Watch the promotional video below now.


Use the above promotional video and this promotional image to advertise the course.

To get started with the course watch the introduction video and read the introduction in the course notes for session 1.

Introduction Video



Part 1: Understanding Islam

Session 1: Love Everyone

Course NotesVideo



Session 2: The Life of Muhammad

Course NotesVideo



Session 3: The Qur’an & Hadith

Course NotesVideo



Session 4: The Basic Beliefs of Islam

Course NotesVideo



Session 5: The Pillars of Islam

Course NotesVideo



Session 6: Islam & Politics

Course NotesVideo



Part 2: Talking with Muslims

Session 7: Talking with Muslims

Course NotesVideo



Session 8: The Gospel According to Muhammad

Course NotesVideo



Session 9: The Bible and Qur’an

Course NotesVideo



Session 10: Is Jesus God?

Course NotesVideo



Session 11: The Son of God & Trinity

Course NotesVideo



Session 12: The Death of Jesus

Course NotesVideo

Engaging with Islam phone summary slides. These slides are a summary of the Engaging with Islam course. Save them in a folder on your phone with your photos and they will help you talk to Muslims.


Engaging with Islam training course
1st edition (2005)

ewiThere are seven sessions and each is a mix of preparation, group discussion and a video. The session notes are in the workbook. Each session takes between 60 to 70 minutes.

The workbook and update for session 6.

The Youtube Videos

 The Next Step

If you have just completed the Engaging with Islam course you may be thinking about what to do next. Here are some suggestions:

1. Keep learning the Bible and growing as a Christian. We need to know about Islam but to know Jesus. There is no use being an expert in Islam and an infant in your own faith. There is plenty of Bible teaching on this site.

2. Talk to Muslims. Don’t be afraid. Trust God and talk to them as you would anyone else. Most Muslims are quite reasonable and keen to discuss things. Experience is a great teacher.

3. Run this course with a group of people. When you teach something you learn more about it, so run this course and you will be even more familiar with the issues.

5. Get familiar with the Answering Islam website.

6. There are many ministries happening for Muslims. Find out where these are in your area and get involved.

7. Other training courses.

  • Liberty to the Captives A training course by Mark Durie. I recommend this course as the next step after the Engaging with Islam course.
  • I2 Ministries
  • Word of Life Course for new Christians. This course was originally written by Jeremy Hinds and has been adapted for correspondence purposes by Word of Life. It is helpful for those wishing to know more about Islam and the Qur’an, especially those entering the ministry or going on mission.

Learn from the past.